So, use these tips when choosing your wedding party and avoid that added stress (because who needs that?).
- Be really sure before you ask. This is not something you decide on a whim. Take a few days or more to mull over your final decisions before reaching out to your potential bridesmaids and groomsmen.
- It doesn’t have to be an even number on each side. Who made the rule that you need to have the same amount of people in their respective parties? If it’s a numbers game that’s tripping you up, forget about having an even number and just ask the friends and family you want…period.
- You don’t have to ask someone just because you were in theirs. Again, there’s no rule stating this. If you were lucky enough to be in someone else’s wedding, that’s wonderful. But it doesn’t automatically mean you have to ask them to be in yours. Time passes, situations change and you may have others higher up on your must-have list.
- Think about the siblings. If there’s one group you should truly consider having in your wedding party, it’s your brothers and sisters. Sure, you may not always see eye to eye, but you’ll be happy you included them in the big day.
- Consider other roles. When your list of bridesmaids and groomsmen is getting too long, think about other roles people could play. There are junior bridesmaids, bride and groom attendants, or the master of ceremonies. Or ask if they would like to do a special toast, speech or reading.
- Assess their personalities. It’s a big responsibility to accept a role in a wedding party. Are those you are considering: financially able to fulfill the role, outgoing (where they’ll want to participate), reliable and available? This can help eliminate those who aren’t really suited for the job.
- Know that sometimes it’s best to keep it small. Less is more, so stick with your very closest circle of loved ones – they’re who you’d want to share your big day with most anyway.
- Leave the littles. You don’t have to include a flower girl or ring bearer. So if you don’t have any children in your inner circle, don’t add random kids just because you think you have to.
- Understand that it is your day. You’ll only want people beside you who will create a stress-free day and have your best interests at heart. Do what you feel is right!
Written by Jennifer Cox
Image provided by Mango Studios
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